I'm often asked to advise on the best way to clean diamond jewelry. No matter how fine the cut color and clarity of your diamond, it needs a little assistance to look its best. There are lots of opinions on how to clean diamonds and what are the best solutions to clean a diamond with. The mildest and possibly the best way to clean diamonds are to use a solution of warm water and liquid dish washing detergent.
Dishwashing detergent is one of the best solutions to clean a diamond with. The same solution that you used to clean your fine china and crystal will remove layers of oils mixed with plain ordinary household dirt that insinuate themselves into the openings around the setting of the diamond. It will also clean the surface or face of the diamond without scratching. The demonstrations we have seen of a diamond cutting glass stick with us but let me take this opportunity to inform you that while a diamond is a very hard substance flat, shiny surface is vulnerable to microscopic scratches that will eventually interfere with that fabulous sparkle.
The best way to clean diamond jewelry without risk of scratching is to soak the diamonds in your cleaning solution for a lengthy period of time. Sometimes soaking in the cleaning solution and a good rinse is how to clean diamonds that are not too dirty. If after soaking you can still see some dirt, get a soft SOFT brush (think soft bristles like a baby's hairbrush) and lightly work the brush into the crevices. If there are some dirty spots that you just don't know how to clean try a dentist's trick and see if a Water Pik will do the trick. Some people have ruined a perfectly lovely piece of diamond and gold jewelry or diamond and platinum jewelry by gouging at them with toothpicks or even metal wires trying to dislodge the dirt. Let me tell you, that's NOT to how to clean diamond jewelry! Once you feel the diamond rings, earrings or other diamond jewelry are clean, dry them carefully with a soft cloth.
Some people think that soaking in ammonia and water or in alcohol is how to clean diamonds, and I'm willing to say that this is a matter of opinion. I can't say that these are the best solutions to clean a diamond because if the diamond happens to have been treated with a special coating or fracture filled these solutions might damage or cloud the diamonds.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Posted by Unique Baby Gear Ideas at 10:32 PM
Labels: best solutions to clean a diamond with, best way to clean diamond jewelry, how to clean diamond jewelry